Цитата Криса Ри

"Я не раз говорил, что популярность мешает мне творить. Скорее всего, я уже никогда к ней не привыкну. Стараюсь относиться к ней философски. Ведь без нее я бы не смог делать то, что делаю."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

Every Beat Of My Heart

The daylight breaks, a picture show of endless takes

And the music's coming through on the radio

And I take my place, reluctantly I join the race

It's not my fight, just trying to stay on my feet

But oh there's one thing that gets to me

It's that little girl she puts me down so easily

In total absurd I'm saying these words

With every beat of my heart, I will love you

With every song, with every breath that I take

I'll give you the moon and the sun, you're the only one

Pleading love with every beat of my heart

With every beat of my heart, I will love you

With every song, with every breath that you take

I'll give you the moon and the sun, you're the only one

Pleading love with every beat of my heart

Pleading love with every beat of my heart

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