Цитата Криса Ри

"Песни я пишу каждый день и всегда помню, в какой ситуации какую написал."

Крис Ри
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31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

Loving You

The night was black with thunder

The streets were wet with rain

Another day goes under

A little bourbon will take the strain

And I'm waiting for my take-home French fries

She smiled and said 'take me away'

We always laughed but I think she means it

But I'm dreaming my life away

Loving you

Loving you the way that I do

The weekend cars are leaving

In a spray of wind and sound

The bar-talk, make believing

And the drinks go easy down

It's back to the all-night take-away

She says 'Here comes the man of my dreams'

We always laugh but I think she means it

And I'm spending my time

Just loving you

Loving you the way that I do

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