Цитата Криса Ри

" Я живу чтобы любить музыку, а не для того чтобы быть рок-звездой."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

Nothing's Happening By The Sea

Salty river

Falls asleep in the bay

Always gets there

Never early, never late

Nothing's happening

Nothing's happening by the sea

White waves tumble down

And gently roll back into blue

On wooden seats outside the bar

The couples make their rendezvous

Nothing's happening

Nothing's happening by the sea

The trouble has been found

There's too far ups and too many downs

I found a level that feels just right

There's no mistaking where I'm going tonight

Nothing's happening

Nothing's happening by the sea

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