Цитата Криса Ри

"Меня узнают, но далеко не так часто, как вы думаете. Люди просто не ожидают увидеть меня в магазине или кафе. Потому им и не кажется знакомым мое лицо. Да потом, и внешность у меня не слишком приметная. Я же не Стивен Тайлер или Мик Джаггер."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

The Blue Cafe

My world is miles of endless roads

That leaves a trail of broken dreams

Where have you been

I hear you say?

I will meet you at the Blue Cafe

Because, this is where the one who knows

Meets the one who does not care

The cards of fate

The older shows

To the younger one, who dares to take

The chance of no return

Where have you been?

Where are you going to?

I want to know what is new

I want to go with you

What have you seen?

What do you know that is new?

Where are you going to?

Because I want to go with you

So meet me down at the Blue Cafe

The cost is great, the price is high

Take all you know, and say goodbye

Your innocence, inexperience

Mean nothing now

Because, this is where the one who knows

Meets the one that does not care

Where have you been?

I hear you say

I'll meet you at the Blue Cafe

So meet me at the Blue Cafe


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