Цитата Криса Ри

"Блюз - это чувства. Музыкальные журналисты часто не понимают этого, но я считаю, блюз - это музыка не только чернокожих людей. Это музыка всех людей, способных ее почувствовать. Чайковский играл блюз, но, правда, по-своему."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

Give That Girl A Diamond

Time to get up

She shines her light where just before

There was only

A cold wind blowing

She understands what makes me smile

And lets me know that

Without showing

I need to tell her, need to show her

How deep she goes

Inside of me

She is the stone that breaks the hard shell

And rings out the loudest bell

With whispered words that scream out

All the peace in me

Give that girl a diamond

Yeah give that girl a diamond

And say it's from me

A blue reflected light

Way past the darkest place

My only private night

Of fearful dreams

She is stone that stabs my shield of steel

The peace that she makes me feel

With whispered words

I need to tell her

Need to show her

How deep she goes

Inside of me

Give that girl a diamond

Give that girl a diamond

And say it's from me

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