Цитата Криса Ри

"Я всегда вожу с собой старенький магнитофон. Когда в голову приходит идея, я его включаю, играю и пою. Самые успешные мои песни были написаны в тот момент, когда и музыка и слова рождались одновременно."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

The Hustler

Time to get up

Make a move

Put the brain in gear

Cut the groove

Moving slow

With a smiling face

Never look like you want it

'Til it's right in your face

I'm the hustler

Playing my favourite game

Yeah I'm the hustler

Everybody knows my name

Well I can get all around you

While I think you stand still

The way you tell me you won't

Let's me know that you will

Last thing you tell them

Is what you came here for

The're never going to find out

'Til you way out the door

'Cos I'm the hustler

Playing my favourite game

Yeah I'm the hustler

Everybody knows my name

You got to love the work you do

How long it takes

Ain't important to you

Don't care whats in it

Loving every minute

Every minute, every hour

Every second of the day

Little by little

I see it coming my way

I'm the hustler

Playing my favourite game

Yeah I'm the hustler

Everybody knows my name


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