Цитата Криса Ри

"Каждый день у меня бывает то, что можно назвать вдохновением, и каждый день я что-то создаю. Я никогда не забываю того, что сделал. Это может быть даже случайная строка, которую я нацарапал на обратной стороне почтовой марки."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

You're Not A Number

You can feel your nerve endings

They've been dead before today

You can feel them rising

Feel them rising all the way

You've got grease on your fingers

Oil on your face

Happy completely chasing the pace

Happy to find out even this late

You're not a number

There's a new sense of freedom

Come banging on your door

Deep down inside you

You've seen it all somewhere before

Somewhere in the past

Somewhere in a dream

It's got you completely and you know what it means

Happy to find out even this late

You're not a number

There's a new sense of freedom

Come banging on your door

Deep down inside you

You've seen it all somewhere before

You've got grease on your fingers

Oil on your face

And you're happy completely chasing the pace

Happy to find out even this late

You're not a number

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