Цитата Криса Ри

"Мы не рок-звезды! Мы просто любим музыку. Поэтому мы должны быть благодарны за то, что все еще можем заниматься любимым делом."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

Who Do You Love

How does it feel

now that you know

What makes it work

how far it can go

Your innocent dream

didn't know how to play

the game that was needed

and now I hear it say

Who do you love

Who do you really love

What are you thinking of

at the end of the day

What do you want

What do you really want

There's no question you are

and somehow save the day

and all those who don't really know

See a bright sunny day

but the glory that shone

like sweet summer rain

It rolls off you and dissapates

Just as fast as it came

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