Цитата Криса Ри

"Бог милостив ко мне, я продаю миллионы дисков — больше мне и не надо. Да, порой я вижу в журнале экстравагантную и безумно дорогую машину. Тогда я решаю поехать на гастроли в Америку, чтобы позволить себе купить ее: чего только не сделаешь, чтобы удовлетворить желание."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

The Memory Of A Good Friend

I love the sun

I love the sea

I'd like to think that you

were here with me

But people are seasons

and seasons change

I'd like to think that you

are still the same

Sometimes you made me happy

Sometimes you made me cry

But the memory of a good friend

never dies

Between the lines

of an aging face

omething special that you can't replace

But people are seasons

and seasons change

I'd like to think that you

are still the same

Sometimes you made me happy

Sometimes you made me cry

But the memory of a good friend

never dies

And I see you standing

by the harbour wall

And I see you waving

from the aeroplane

Two hearts together

laughing in the rain


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