Цитата Криса Ри

"Мы пытаемся сейчас делать продукт более интересный, чем просто 10 треков на диске. Хотим, чтобы те фанаты, которые слушают нас 20 лет, получали те же эмоции и сейчас."

Крис Ри
Ближайшие концерты

31 октября 2013 18:30 Royal Albert Hall, London Chris Rea - Bluesfest 2013 Великобритания

She Closed Her Eyes

She closed her eyes

And let the walls of her prison fall away

The walls that ached with a timeless wait

They had become her walls of this modern tv life

She closed her eyes

And let them fall away

And in her dreams she is standing by an ocean

She is gazing out to sea

She can remember with just a fleeting glimpse

That she was once free

So long ago now, so long it was as if it had never been

Was it a holiday

She thinks it could have been, ah yes, italy

And he closes his eyes

And he is gone far away

Gone from all the confusion

Gone from all the pain

He can easily see what a pointless waste

His modern life has become

Chasing the gravy grain

Chasing the dollar

Chasing the clock

Chasing his male friends

Chasing the boss

Chasing as it was everything

It was nothing

Only the sound of his own breathing was all he had

At the end of the day

And reasons to wonder, reasons to cry

Too late for this selfish sinner who never asked why


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